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this is like taking 40 benadryl all at once... awesome!




Great game, thanks a lot!!

Wow, what a game... That was nice


What a remember, thank you for this most important reminder.


like it


This is a really cool collection of ideas, I really think you should make this into a proper game if you can. Really good atmosphere


This was absolutely hilarious, yet weird. I was not sure of what to expect.
I chose to stream it too, and your gameplay is at 3:22:50
Keep up the good work 


This game was such an unexpected delight to play. Honestly, I had a constant smile on my face playing it. Great work!

That was certainly a fun and interesting little game. Thanks for the laughs!

That was amazing and life changing thank you




Beautiful experience


"Remember kids, seatbelts save lives."


An amazing experience I had too much trouble understanding to even try to


i give it a meow out of 10... meow=10


Peak storytelling.


This was stupid, but fun.  Thanks!


This was hilarious, I really enjoyed that! Really funny and the ending message was perfect haha. I recommend! Here is my gameplay video!


Cool fun little game:)


Meow meow. Meow-meow-meow.


peak game 10/10 would nip for speed again


this is a 355555/20


i shat myself when he flew BEST GAME YET








This was such a weird game and I loved it! Always wear your seatbelt!


Gameplay FR



Это было весело.




I seriously loved this! It's bizarre and interesting and just amazing :)

Can't wait what else can your creative mind make haha

i love this

but please, tone down the sensitivity





this is the best game of all time.

Game of the year quality


I really enjoyed this one! The concept is so silly and over the top! I want more from you now


I love this so much. I love the models, the simplicity, the silliness. I want more. I want a half hour to hour long experience with the same feeling; goofs, silliness, borderline what the hell is happening to me vibes - and I don't want it without the voice acting quality seen here. This is so lovely. <3


glad we could agree on something 

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